Back on the train yesterday to St. Gallen and Konstanz…
More moments captured…
A man kisses his wife and small daughter before they board the train…
A brown fox smiling as the SBB speeds past Steinenbrunnen…
Llamas grazing in Haggenschwil fields
At Starbucks SG encounters with colleagues of both Bahnhof and Marktplatz SBs…a pleasure!
Helvetic Air stewardess Desiree, a regular customer and friend to many at SB, makes us all smile…
McDo lunch with good pal Adrian…the younger brother I never had…
Words cannot do justice to the simple enjoyment our conversations give me.
Back in Konstanz, an encounter with former VHS student William brings a smile to both our faces…
Simple moments…most unplanned and spontaneous…
“…and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”(Louis Armstrong)
You are in deed my older brother from another mother I must be blessed, that our ways have crossed path. I appreciate everyday of your appearance and I truly love your positive attitude. Live is already hard enough but you equalize it thanks for being around.