Landschlacht, Switzerland, 9 August 2016 Thirteen months of time remembered sixteen years later…prompted by a recent edition of The Economist and another “old” article found whilst searching for conversation ideas for my Friday classes: First, the articles: “Watching a new film on the big screen could soon be consigned to the dustbin of history. Sean Parker,… Continue reading Hongwon style: Canada Slim in Korea
Author: canadaslim
The economics of love vs freedom
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 7 August 2016 Single people, aged 25 to 29 in eight rich countries – the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Spain, Italy, France and Germany – have become poorer over the last 20 years compared with the average population. People aged 25 to 29 who live by themselves have less post-tax income in… Continue reading The economics of love vs freedom
Best kept secret
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 7 August 2016 In preparation for my Friday morning conversation classes and in an ever valiant quest to bring order to the chaos that is our apartment I have stumbled upon an “old” article from the Independent. And it has got my mind spinning in a variety of directions. The article is about how… Continue reading Best kept secret
Artistic differences, dogs and cats, earth and sky
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 7 August 2016 One of the dangers of spending “quality time” with a significant other, especially if much time has passed since the last period of “quality time”, is the need to “discuss the relationship”. Spend any significant amount of time with a member of the opposite gender and you quickly come to… Continue reading Artistic differences, dogs and cats, earth and sky
Wormwood forever
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 6 August 2016 Perhaps it is a result of lying on a beach under the hot Italian sun for three days that have caused my thoughts to think about radiation… I have just returned yesterday from a two-week holiday in Tuscany and have looked at some of the books I read, or wanted… Continue reading Wormwood forever
The Battle Electronic
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 23 July 2016 It´s 5 am and my wife is still asleep in her bed while I stare at an electronic screen willing it to magically put scattered thoughts into sensible prose for public digestion and edification. I think of the number of topics and events I have yet to write about and… Continue reading The Battle Electronic
Canada Slim behind bars 5b: Time served
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 22 July 2016 In the past five posts I spoke of prisons – how prisons inspire literature, prisons as tourist attractions, prisons as tourist accommodation, my work and life in a youth hostel/former jail, and the road that lead to me being imprisoned for a short time in America. In this sixth and… Continue reading Canada Slim behind bars 5b: Time served
Canada Slim behind bars 5a: Arrested development
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 18 July 2016 Somehow it feels like it’s time. After decades of silence and sifting of memory, as more years lie behind me than ahead… When the headlines of the moment evoke so much emotion and recollection within me… I read of the injustice of America and its treatment of its minority populations by those who… Continue reading Canada Slim behind bars 5a: Arrested development
Canada Slim behind bars 4: Me and D´Arcy McGee
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 7 July 2016 I have some bad habits. I am essentially a man who prefers leisure to work. As each and every person who has ever existed, exists or will ever exist is defined by how he/she decides to use the 24 hours each day provided us indiscriminately, so it can be said… Continue reading Canada Slim behind bars 4: Me and D´Arcy McGee
Canada Slim behind bars 3: Prisoners of choice
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 5 July 2016 Why do people travel? For each person there are personal, individual reasons for venturing outside our personal comfort zones into the Great Unknown. But essentially I think it is a quest to learn something new, something previously undiscovered, not yet experienced before. Travellers seek to challenge themselves by discovering who they themselves… Continue reading Canada Slim behind bars 3: Prisoners of choice