Landschlacht, Switzerland, 25 August 2017 Back in May an employer of mine and I made an agreement: The school didn’t want me to work for them and I didn’t wish to work for the school. The position was ended to our mutual satisfaction and with little discomfort on either side. Despite my age diminishing my abilities of… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Final Curtain
Tag: Barack Obama
Behind the veil: Islam(ophobia) for dummies
Landschlacht, Switzerland, 1 March 2017 There are moments when the well runs dry, the fire is out, the spirit extinguished. Moments when I look at this blank screen and ask myself: What should I write about? Regular readers of my blog (both of them?!) patiently wait for some blog series to continue and/or conclude –… Continue reading Behind the veil: Islam(ophobia) for dummies
Dark discussions
I asked Reggie, my American cousin in all but bloodline, why Americans are responding with such fear and suspicion to Syrian refugees. He responded that I should not be so surprised considering how America treats its minorities already resident there. Why, I asked Reggie my ebony brother, was there so much violence against black folks in… Continue reading Dark discussions