Canada Slim and the Final Curtain

  Landschlacht, Switzerland, 25 August 2017 Back in May an employer of mine and I made an agreement: The school didn’t want me to work for them and I didn’t wish to work for the school. The position was ended to our mutual satisfaction and with little discomfort on either side. Despite my age diminishing my abilities of… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Final Curtain

Only a cup of coffee?

“Not that many consumers care to dwell on where their fruit has come from, much less where their shirts were made or who fashioned the rings which connect their shower hose to the basin. The origins and travels of our purchases remain matters of indifference…. Why, then, endowed as they are with both practical importance… Continue reading Only a cup of coffee?

Public dis-service

It never ceases to amaze me just how many people serve the public who are inappropriate for their jobs. They act as the front lines for their organizations yet represent these organizations in the worst possible light. They clearly find customers to be annoyances at best and best avoided when possible. And one sees this… Continue reading Public dis-service