Canada Slim and the Last Battle

Eskisehir, Switzerland, Sunday 19 September 2021 As the dates below will show, this blog (The Chronicles of Canada Slim) (one of two) has suffered from neglect. I offer only one explanation: I have been….distracted. The purpose of The Chronicles of Canada Slim is to capture in writing my adventures prior to the calendar year. Generally,… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Last Battle

Canada Slim and the Zürich Zealots

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Thursday 19 November 2020 A promise made is a debt unpaid. Since I began blogging (18 May 2015) I have begun a number of consecutive writing projects within these Chronicles of Canada Slim and its companion blog Building Everest. The select seven subjects that this blog has evolved into following are, accomplished in… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Zürich Zealots

Canada Slim and the Succulent Collection

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Friday 13 November 2020 I have, since 12 November 2017, written a series of posts about my adventures and discoveries following a book’s walking itinerary that traces the “footsteps” and life of Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwingli, from his birthplace in the village of Wildhaus to his final resting place in Kappel am Albis.… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Succulent Collection

Canada Slim and the Third Man

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Wednesday 26 June 2019 To understand something alien to one’s self it becomes necessary to make time and effort to learn and study that which one does not already know. I have often considered it a sign of wisdom and maturity when one does not only admit when one does not know something… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Third Man

Canada Slim and the Lakeside Pilgrimage

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 24 April 2018 For quite some time in this, what has become my travel blog, I have written about my adventures and discoveries retracing the paths and the life story of Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwengli (between accounts of travels in London, Italy and Serbia). Above: Huldrych Zwingli (1484 – 1531) Using Marcel and… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Lakeside Pilgrimage

Canada Slim and the Privileged Place

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 26 January 2018 This morning I feel somewhat like Punxsawtawney Phil, the groundhog of the film Groundhog Day, chattering away furiously, while Bill Murray holds me firmly as he drives a car over a cliff sardonically telling me: Don´t drive angry. Perhaps this might be extended to encompass writing as well. Don´t write… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Privileged Place

Canada Slim and the Monks of the Dark Forest

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 8 January 2018 The Common Era year 2017 ended a week ago, which means the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation also ended. 1 January 2018 was the 534th anniversary of the birth of Huldrych Zwingli, the Swiss German-speaking Reformer, whose life I have been retracing on foot through the advice of Marcel and… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Monks of the Dark Forest

Canada Slim and the Battle for Switzerland´s Soul

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 18 December 2017 Battlefields can be deceptive when viewed long after the battles have been fought. Take the example of Waterloo. Above: The Battle of Waterloo, Belgium, 18 June 1815 Once the tourist gets beyond the huge pyramid and the facilities set up to view and visit it he/she finds him/her self in quiet… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Battle for Switzerland´s Soul

Canada Slim and the Vienna Waltz

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 9 December 2017 There are moments when one has to accept one´s limitations. For example, the wife and I were asked to attend her employer´s Christmas Party yesterday evening, but neither one of us was healthy (or motivated) enough to attend. I have been home all week when I would have rather been working, but… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Vienna Waltz

Canada Slim and the Basel Butterfly Effect

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 3 December 2017 I want to run away. As work increases and pressure mounts to accomplish as much as possible in this last month of the calendar year…. I want to run away. And though employers try to distract us through Christmas parties from the pressure they themselves create, I find myself nostalgic, almost homesick,… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Basel Butterfly Effect