Canada Slim and the Lemon Mutants

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Saturday 14 March 2020 From Brescia Today, Friday 6 March 2020 There are 268 cases of corona virus infections confirmed in Italy’s Brescia Province, while deaths there have risen to 18. Fifteen new municipalities have been added to the epidemic network, which previously had not presented any infection: Acquafredda, Borgosatollo, Castenedolo, Darfo Boario… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Lemon Mutants

Canada Slim and the Lakeside Pilgrimage

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 24 April 2018 For quite some time in this, what has become my travel blog, I have written about my adventures and discoveries retracing the paths and the life story of Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwengli (between accounts of travels in London, Italy and Serbia). Above: Huldrych Zwingli (1484 – 1531) Using Marcel and… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Lakeside Pilgrimage

Canada Slim and the Greatest Villain

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 26 May 2017 I read the news and I feel sometimes that all the media seems to report is bad news – news that angers or saddens me. To be fair, it’s not the media’s fault completely… Bad things happen in the world. It is a terrible thing to admit, but nothing encourages us to… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Greatest Villain

Tradition disrespected: James Bond and Peter Parker

When did the marketers take over culture? It seems that every day there is an old idea being repackaged and reinvented to the point that the idea has been corrupted or even eliminated. Take much of today’s music. How often does one hear a cover version of an old classic? How rarely is the cover… Continue reading Tradition disrespected: James Bond and Peter Parker