A separate Málaga

Tuesday 2 July 2024 Eskişehir, Türkiye Fair land! of chivalry, the old domain,Land of the vine and olive, lovely Spain!Though not for thee with classic shores to vieIn charms that fix th’ enthusiast’s pensive eye;Yet hast thou scenes of beauty richly fraughtWith all that wakes the glow of lofty thought. Felicia Hemans (1793 – 1835), Abencerrage… Continue reading A separate Málaga

Canada Slim and the Borders

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 11 November 2017 As one travels around the world a person discovers that there are arbitrary lines drawn across landscapes and charts and maps that define what is Here and what is to be considered There, and there are arbitrary lines drawn between classes and positions in our everyday societies. Mankind has done… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Borders

Shakespeare in the original Klingon

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 20 June 2016 “All the world´s a stage and all the men and women merely players.  They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts.” (William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7) “You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the… Continue reading Shakespeare in the original Klingon

Lingua Helvetica: Language(s) in Switzerland

Buy some medicine in Switzerland (if you can afford it). (And considering how generally the Swiss worry about life far more than they actually seem to enjoy living may be a great reason to run (not walk) to the nearest Apotheke!) You will see that the instructions (the message in the bottle, so to speak)… Continue reading Lingua Helvetica: Language(s) in Switzerland

The sounds of silence

First thoughts upon first awakening are sometimes strange and wonderful things…. (After all, there must be something positive about getting up at 0400 in the morning to be ready to do a 0630 shift at Starbucks St. Gallen, an hour’s distance from my home.) I remember snatches of dreams that have somehow drifted over from… Continue reading The sounds of silence

Sounds and signs in discord

One of the greatest difficulties with English language teaching is trying to explain why English words with similar spellings can have such different sounds. Compare for example words like though(th-oh), through (thr-oo), thorough (thur-oh) and tough (tuff). Or why words with different spellings have the same sound, like to, too and two. And there are… Continue reading Sounds and signs in discord

Sympathy for the dialect

Every nation has its faux pas – things that you shouldn´t talk about or joke about…EVER. For example, don´t call a New Zealander “an envious Aussie”, or a Canadian “a wannabe American”, unless you like your tires flattened. Don´t call la Manche the English Channel when you are in Paris or call the French “brie-eating surrender… Continue reading Sympathy for the dialect

The profundity of profanity

Profanity is defined by Merriam-Webster as  “offensive words or language”. It is also called bad language, strong language, coarse language, foul language, bad words, vulgar language, lewd language, swearing, cursing, cussing, or using expletives, what is generally considered to be very impolite, rude or offensive. It can show a debasement of someone or something, or show… Continue reading The profundity of profanity