Canada Slim and the Thundering Hollows

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 26 November 2017 Where is the line between insanity and sanity? What does it actually mean to be sane? Sanity involves wholeness, whereas insanity implies brokenness? One theory suggests that sanity is tied to how we fit with what is actually going on in the world. Psychologist Erich Fromm proposed that, not just… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Thundering Hollows

Canada Slim and the Wild Child of Toggenburg

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 20 November 2017 Last week ago I began to tell a story. (See Canada Slim and the Road to Reformation of this blog.) A story of how a religion and a continent tore itself apart over questions of how to worship a God who cannot be proven to exist. Ah, the folly of man! My… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Wild Child of Toggenburg