The fog of battle: Town vs. gown

Monday 10 February 2025 Eskişehir, Türkiye The streets of Oxford ran red on 10 February 1355, in what became known as the St. Scholastica Day riot. A quarrel over ale — at least, that is how the story begins. Two university students, unsatisfied with their drinks, threw words like daggers at a tavern keeper. Words… Continue reading The fog of battle: Town vs. gown

The road to Nirvana

Saturday 8 February 2025 Eskişehir, Türkiye Time is a river. Its current carries us through moments of human striving — some triumphant, some tragic. Each event, each life born into history on this day, speaks to a quest: For truth, for escape, for justice, for a world beyond suffering. But where does that journey end?… Continue reading The road to Nirvana

The Academy of Joy

Thursday 6 February 2025 Eskişehir, Türkiye The former head teacher, dismissed and disillusioned, lay in his restless bed, his limbs heavy with exhaustion, his thoughts a storm of injustice and regret. Losing your job can be a hideous blow, both to the pocket and to the ego. The best way to deal with it is… Continue reading The Academy of Joy

Family values

Soo-Lin Saeng Ho Winhu Apartment 101-ho Shinda-dong 400 bunji Ganjan-gu, Seoul SOUTH KOREA Above: Seoul, South Korea Harper Family 425 Morgan Boulevard Houston, Texas 77013 USA Above: Houston, Texas, USA To my host family, My name is Soo-Lin. I am delighted to learn that you will be acting as my new family during my time… Continue reading Family values

A moment of silence

Eskişehir, Türkiye Thursday (Perşembe) 12 December (Aralık) 2024 “To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven… A time to keep silence and a time to speak.“ Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 7. “I don’t wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence….The quiet scares me, ’cause it screams… Continue reading A moment of silence

What am I doing here?

Eskişehir, Türkiye Wednesday (Çarşamba) 4 December (Aralik) 2024 Türkiye: Above: Flag of the Republic of Türkiye This richly historical land has some of the best cuisine you will ever taste, scenery from beaches to mountains, and the great city of Istanbul. Above: Aerial view of the historical peninsula and modern skyline of Istanbul A succession… Continue reading What am I doing here?

Canada Slim and the Zürich Zealots

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Thursday 19 November 2020 A promise made is a debt unpaid. Since I began blogging (18 May 2015) I have begun a number of consecutive writing projects within these Chronicles of Canada Slim and its companion blog Building Everest. The select seven subjects that this blog has evolved into following are, accomplished in… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Zürich Zealots

Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 3: The Diplomat

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Tuesday 8 September 2020 It must be difficult for followers of this first of two blogs to remain faithful and patient with the Chronicles of Canada Slim as they are not as often written as those of Building Everest.       To those who are new to the Chronicles, these posts are… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 3: The Diplomat

Canada Slim and the Body Snatchers

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 4 September 2018 I should be dead. In fact, for at least a quarter of a century. Back in Canada, I tried to chop a log. The axe bounced off the log and sliced into my foot. A mile in the bush limp, a drive home, a quick dash to the local hospital… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Body Snatchers

Canada Slim and the Land of Confusion

Landschlacht, Switzerland, 12 April 2018 Of the problems that plague me, one of the biggest is persistence: The ability to keep on keeping on. I have to constantly remind and encourage myself that “a professional writer is simply an amateur who didn´t quit”. (Richard Bachman) With my two blogs – this one and Building Everest… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Land of Confusion