The invisible man

Eskişehir, Türkiye Wednesday (Çarşamba) 25 December (Aralık) 2024 “There is such a sameness in my life at present it is not worthwhile to keep a journal.“ Nicholas Cresswell, Monday 13 October 1777 Above: British diarist Nicholas Cresswell (1750 – 1804) Cresswell was the son of a landowner and sheep farmer in Crowden-le-Booth, Edale, Derbyshire. Above: Holy Trinity Parish… Continue reading The invisible man

Obituary (1): The little corner gathering

Eskişehir, Türkiye Wednesday 11 September 2024 Writing about death shouldn’t be easy, especially when there is far more happening in the world – pondering the past, dreaming of destiny, existing in the experience of this moment. People die every day. Even when I am not writing about it, people will keep dying. Discussion of death… Continue reading Obituary (1): The little corner gathering

A trick of the light

Eskişehir, Türkiye Wednesday 17 July 2024 “When you have a cause, the best way to express yourself is artistically.“ Hani Abbas Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to intellect, sense or emotion. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations and modes of expression, including music and literature. The meaning of art is explored in a branch… Continue reading A trick of the light

Canada Slim and the Last Battle

Eskisehir, Switzerland, Sunday 19 September 2021 As the dates below will show, this blog (The Chronicles of Canada Slim) (one of two) has suffered from neglect. I offer only one explanation: I have been….distracted. The purpose of The Chronicles of Canada Slim is to capture in writing my adventures prior to the calendar year. Generally,… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Last Battle

Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 3: The Diplomat

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Tuesday 8 September 2020 It must be difficult for followers of this first of two blogs to remain faithful and patient with the Chronicles of Canada Slim as they are not as often written as those of Building Everest.       To those who are new to the Chronicles, these posts are… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 3: The Diplomat

Canada Slim and the Invention of the Clear Day

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Monday 6 July 2020 Let there be no doubt: My souvenir book loves Porto.   Above from the top left corner clockwise: Clérigos Church and Tower; Avenida dos Aliados; Casa da Música concert hall; Ribeira district; Avenida da Boavista business hub; Luiz I bridge and Porto from Vila Nova de Gaia   “The… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Invention of the Clear Day

Canada Slim and the Humanitarian Adventure

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Tuesday 10 December 2019 There are things in Switzerland (and in our existence) that we simply take for granted: And the thing about Swiss stereotypes is that some of them are true. Diplomatic? Yes. Efficient? Absolutely. Boring? Only at first glance. Despite being one of the most visited countries in Europe, Switzerland remains… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Humanitarian Adventure

Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 2: Suffering

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Sunday 17 November 2019 I have often believed that you can tell a lot about a person by the manner in which they live. For example, if you, my gentle readers, wanted to comprehend the conundrum that is Canada Slim, yours truly, you would need to visit the apartment I share with the… Continue reading Canada Slim and the Author’s Apartment 2: Suffering